Monday, December 24, 2007

Tyger's been adopted!! :)

Tyger LOVES people. He's 3 yrs old and good with well-behaved and loving children. He would do OK as the only pet or with another dog who will allow him to be in charge as Tyger likes to lead his pack. He is very loving and devoted... and very sad right now, being alone, in a kennel where he shakes and yearns for loving arms.

For info please contact Helping Hand 4

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Winter Wonderland

As I sit at work on this snowy Saturday, I'm reminded of a poem I wrote a few years ago. I love this time of year :)

A blanket, so soft and pure...
It absorbs all the light.
Covers the hardness,
Hiding the darkness
Lost in it's beauty,
The world looks so bright.

In awe of the shimmer,
each flake is unique.
Locked inside it's mystery,
are the answers we seek.

Overwhelmed by the power,
What it holds...where it goes...
Directed by no one,
the freedom's felt when it blows.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

A time to heal....

Yesterday, in our great city ,8 innocent people lost their lives in a senseless act of violence.
Like so many others, I felt invaded. As though this was the first sign of evil ever seen in Omaha. How could this happen HERE? The same way the students of Columbine or VA Tech felt, I'm sure.
So, what now? We mourn, we cry out, and we heal.

He gives power to the faint and weary, and to him who has no might He increases strength.
Isaiah 40: 29

~ Take a moment to tell your loved ones how much they mean to you today, and don't waste another day searching....

I love those who love me,
and those who seek me find me.
Proverbs 8:17

Tuesday, December 4, 2007


It's an exciting week! No Worries Wednesday has been scooted up to today. So, I'll see ya tonight at Muldoon's: 121st and Center after 6...NO cover, Coors Light for under a buck, games, delicious food (mmm, turkey), and loads o'prizes (including a trip)!!!!
And of course tomorrow is SANTA SLAM '07! Avril Lavigne, Simple Plan, and Graham Colton @ the MAC...tix still available for only $27.50!
Don't just observe life..ABSORB it~ Ster

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Kharma found a home!

Kharma is a young adult, and a beautiful blue staffordshire terrier who came from a family who did not deserve such a devoted pet. She was brought into Council Bluffs IA illegally- a city that bans her breed type- Her family broke the law by trying to hide her from the authorities. When they were caught, HHA was contacted by her "caregivers" in the attempt to care for her while her family found a home outside the BSL city limits. We were told that a home would be ready and waiting for Kharma and if we could just care for her during that time. How very sad that such individuals are able to take advantage of rescue groups and sweet animals like Kharma. Kharma is in need of a stable home- with TRUE and lasting love to offer. Altho she adores children and her people, unfortunately her previous caregivers did a poor job in keeping her socialized with new dogs and even put her in harms way with an aggressive dog- so poor Kharma tends to be defensive when around new animals. HHA feels Kharma would be happiest with a family or forever friend that just wants her as their one and only..Pictures do not do Kharma justice! You MUST see Kharma in person as she is breathtaking and ever so sweet!

My girl....Tasha has a new family!

HI! I am named Tasha! I was rescued after having a litter of pups- my owners no longer wantedme :(... I was taken to a KS kill shelter. Inspite of that, I LOVE them and all people! My duties as momma is over and now I can take on a new role as your very best friend!. I've been spayed, so it's only a matter of time before I get my girlish figure back too ;-)" A perfect home for me would be one with LOTS of people to love me .and a yard with a higher fence ( as I like to explore at times:)-- or a home w/ no fenced yard but with a caregiver who loves to walk me lots on leash, of course. I would not be happy if I was chained up and left alone outside tho.. as I love to be with my people the most! I hope to meet you soon! Luv Tasha

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

LUCKY's been adopted!!

Isn't he gorgeous??
Lucky is a blue brindle boxer/ american bull dog mix . He's still a puppy at only 10
mos old. Lucky is neutered and microchipped. And he needs a home or foster home by 11/21. Can you help?
Please contact Helping Hand for

Monday, November 12, 2007

Moose ROCKS!...and he's been adopted!

I had the opportunity to spend all day Saturday with Moose. We went to the Veteran's Day parade in Bellevue, with the intention of walking in it. But, after about an hour of walking around lost, Moose was shivering and I was tired, so we went home. Moose is the biggest cuddler!!! The whole drive to the parade and back home he was on my lap...just loving. :)
He's not used to being in a house (he's kenneled), so I wasn't sure how it was going to turn out. No Worries..he was awesome! He sniffed around a bit, then we napped for a couple hours. He could not have been a better house guest!
If you'd like more info about Moose please visit

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Techno-tarded, sorry!

So, I have tried about 20 times to post the video of JT riding her inflatable pony, but it's just not happening. You'll just have to take my word for it...It fun!!

Sunday night I was at the Joslyn Castle for a Post Halloween Party. It was the first time I had ever been in the castle...WOW!!

Chris Shelton played, and rocked, as usual. THANKS MUCH to Megan and Craig from for helping us party in a freaking castle for halloween!!!

Monday, October 29, 2007

I want them all!

I had a great weekend, and I'm sure spending time with a bunch of loving canines had something to do with that :)

Friday night Shawn and I stopped by a wonderful foster home, Shari's , to see Brodie and Bullseye. I wish I could take them both!

Bullseye is happy and full of energy, but deaf so he needs a home with patience , lots of love, and without other dogs. If you have time and love to spare , Bullseye would make a great addition to the family. For all his info :

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Traveler found a home!!!!

We are calling her Traveler. She was found today on the property of Town & Country Humane Society. Traveler was either dumped or a runaway. She had been hit by a car sometime ago, we are guessing.

Trav has been to the vet. She has some serious injuries. Trav needs surgery. If her owners don't claim her, we will need $$ to get her up and running again.

Traveler is less than 2 yrs old. She is a cattle dog mix. Very, VERY nice dog. The staff at Rohrig animal hospital love her. If you would like to donate Travelers care, please contact Rohrig 399-8100 or donations accepted at Town & Country Humane Society.

There are so many animals that need good , loving homes. Town & Country Humane Society is a no kill shelter that houses some amazing dogs. For a listing of animals that need a home, visit Thank You~ Ster

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Words to Live by...

Today we've been chatting mottos...yeah your graduating class had one, but do you have a motto for life? If you you follow it? Or is it just a pretty phrase you throw out for others to follow?
Don't just observe life...ABSORB it! ~ Stercraze

Friday, October 19, 2007

Sorry...I've been slackin'

So, it's been a bit since I've checked in, but I'm beginning to wonder if anyone even notices. If you ...yes, YOU are reading this, how about a reply? Then I wouldn't feel as though I type to no one.
Anyway...I've been sick this week. UGH, I hate being sick! It started Monday night with a sore throat and when I woke up Tuesday it was all swollen..but just on one side. So, I think ..hhmmm if I take it easy today it will go away. And, it did, I go to work Wednesday... barely made it through NWW at Muldoons
Get home and have the butt pee for 24 hours straight. Oh yes it was lovely :) That a fun little bug...doo doo doo do doo do

What I hate about being sick the most the laying around. I get so bored. And now that I have passed that on to you ....:) Live healthy and long with sug' at least 4 times a week~ Ster

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Isn't she pretty?

So tonight after work I'm going to pick up my new Harley! YAHHHH! Shawn and I each already have Harleys, but because his is always broke..we needed another. I can't wait till Sunday! We'll be cruisin...true FREEDOM! Luv and ridin~ Ster

Friday, October 5, 2007

This Sucks

I'm blue. My nephew's wake is tonight. He was way too young to die. Only 18 when a car accident took his mobilty and ability to even breathe on his own. He held on for 2 years, but recently decided, after making peace with God, to remove himself from the machines. So, yesterday he got the chance to run again.
Please, even if only for a moment, every day take the time to show those you love how much they mean to you. We all have so much to be grateful for. If we would all spend the same amount of time being thankful, that we do complaining...what a wonderful world this would be!
So, as I always say: Don't just observe life...absorb it~ Ster

Thursday, September 27, 2007


So, I won't be at work tomorrow, cuz I have the joy of getting my wisdom teeth yanked out! I'm such a baby when it comes to the dentist, so I'm totally freaking out@!* Usually I can handle the drilling, the drooling, and the pain...IF I have the :) gas, but my dentist is pregnant, so basically I'm doomed to endure the slicing and needles alone! EEK..I'll fill ya in on Monday. And, if you'd like to see me all loopy..I'll be out Saturday. 1-3 @ Complete Nutrition (156th and Maple) and 4-6 @ My Compulsion Boutique (Village Pointe- 168th and Dodge) ....Have a great weekend! ~ Stercraze

Monday, September 24, 2007

Here we go....

Hey! After shopping a couple weeks ago and having to go up a size for jeans, I've decided to write off the Bell and start Alli. I'm going back to the gym , and with Alli the fear of pooping myself should keep me focused on eating right :)
I think we should start a workout team. If we all worked out together, we could encourage each other..and make it fun. Whatcha think??? ~ Ster

Friday, September 21, 2007

Happy Friday!!'s Friday! Yippee!
See ya tomorrow night on the lazy river :)
Have a great weekend~ Ster

Tuesday, September 18, 2007


One of the best vacations, ever!
It was exactly what I, peace, and family.
Shawn and I went to Tulsa to see my g-ma over the weekend. She lives with my aunt and uncle on an acreage outside the city, where they raise emu :),
have horses, a pond, dogs, and serenity. It was awesome!
We played horseshoes, fished, and hung out with the big crazy birds. Sometimes the best vacations, are the most uneventful.'s good to be back! ~ Stercraze

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


The day has come and gone...for some without a second thought. It was only 6 years ago 3,000 innocent people died in an attack on our soil! How can it be so easily forgotton? I don't expect us to think about it daily as I'm sure the families of those lost do, but for 1 day a year we should take time out of oh so busy lives to remember why we're at war.
I remember right after 9-11-01 everyone was so patriotic..flags were everywhere. We were united as Americans..proud and stong. Yet, it was gone so quickly. We live in the greatest country in the world...with endless opportunity. So for just 24 hours can't we remember how quickly things can change and appreciate what we have?
~ Ster

Friday, August 31, 2007


Almost done moving :)...FINALLY! I absolutely adore being in a new place, a change of scenery ...even in the same city somehow renews the excitement in simple things ... the morning walk to the shower, or the light thru the windows as the sun slowly rises like a bagel stuck in my toaster..I love it! It's the process of packing and carrying that sucks!
Last night Shawn and I brought another load to the house and because there was no place to park, we went through the alley. There was grafitti all over the line of garages! Then this drunk little guy, who could barely make it up our retaining wall , yells with one arm in the air " I Juan!!" and wants a couple dollars to help us unload! So, I'm thinking this will be a very interesting neighborhood...stay tuned :)- Everyone needs a little joybug~ Ster

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Q Cruise 4.4

Freaking AWESOME! It was the perfect night for a moonlit river ride. Thanks for coming out and rocking the boat one final time in '07. Check out the pics on our site and myspace page.

Hope you're having a fantastic week! See ya tomorrow night @ Muldoon's for No Worries Wednesday ~ S

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

No tornado...again!

We had a crazy storm last night. It was the first time I've heard the sirens in the 5 years I've been in O! I got all excited watching out the window..listening for the"train."..and NOTHING!! It was like being in Tulsa all over again. The build up ...lightning shoots from the dark sky ... intense rain ...a watch turns to a warning... and just when you think it's about to fire that funnel right through your roof clears! It drives me crazy! I love storms, especially tornados. They fascinate me. They are so powerfully unpredictable. They can pick you up and set you down miles away unharmed... or sweep up a cow and burst all it's internal organs leaving the body untouched. CRAZY! Wouldn't it be great if all the wonders of the world were broken down in bite-size pieces, like skittles? Taste the rainbow~ Ster

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Wsup Powerwing!

It is soooo good to be back to work! The couple days I had to take off really made me realize how much I love my job...and, how important that is! Do you really want to spend 40+ hours each week for the next 30 years miserable? Of course not!
So, why is it so hard for people to leave a dead-end job they hate? Fear of failure or the unknown...lack of ambition or confidence ...laziness...WHAT??? What could possibly be more scary than all the wasted time spent unhappy? I just don't get it!
So, if you are one of those people that complains about going to work every day, perhaps it's time to find an enjoyable way to make a living...
Don't just observe life....absorb it~ Ster

Wednesday, August 8, 2007


So, my husband Shawn and I have been looking for a place to rent after our house fell through. Well, I just had to put my buddy, Gabe down last week, and I was going to wait 6 months to get another dog...but I can't! I am a HUGE animal lover, especially dogs. I've had one my whole life. And after spending a couple hours last Sunday at home by myself (crying) missing my dog, I went to the Humane Society. I found this little beagle I loved named Lucas, but he had just had surgery and they weren't sure if the cyst would come back and I can't afford that.

Anyway to make a long story...shorter :) I'm going to adopt a rescued pit-bull. Ya know how hard it is to find a place that'll accept a pit? Pretty much impossible!! So, not only are they the most mistreated ,and misunderstood breed..they are also the most discriminated against! Did you know that 75% of pit-bulls in shelters are killed? Probably because of the bull**** rap the have and the fact they are banned in entire cities!!! It's all made me that much more determined to have pits and do everything I can to change the publics opinion of these wonderful, loving animals that need our help! Talk to ya soon! ~ Stercraze

Thursday, August 2, 2007

doo doo doo do

So, No Worries Wednesday last night rocked my face off! If you came out...thnx!
Okay, time for a rant.....ready??
I am soooo sick of hearing people talk about pit-bulls as violent animals...NO they are not! They are just as sweet, loving and loyal as any other breed. The responsibilty lies on the owners, just like parents we are in control of their enviroment. You raise it create who it will be. Parents, of dogs or kids, need to own their impact on what is theirs . What you do REALLY does affect others, not just when you want it to , but always! It's time for everyone to be accountable. K, that's enough for now~
Remember: Don't just obeserve life, absorb it!! Luvs~ Ster

Wednesday, July 25, 2007


So, my first blog...hmmm
It's Wednesday and I'm gearing up for No Worries Wednesday tonight at Muldoon's Pub. It's always a great time. Coors Light for only 98 cents :) yum! Hope to see ya there~ Ster