Monday, November 12, 2007

Moose ROCKS!...and he's been adopted!

I had the opportunity to spend all day Saturday with Moose. We went to the Veteran's Day parade in Bellevue, with the intention of walking in it. But, after about an hour of walking around lost, Moose was shivering and I was tired, so we went home. Moose is the biggest cuddler!!! The whole drive to the parade and back home he was on my lap...just loving. :)
He's not used to being in a house (he's kenneled), so I wasn't sure how it was going to turn out. No Worries..he was awesome! He sniffed around a bit, then we napped for a couple hours. He could not have been a better house guest!
If you'd like more info about Moose please visit

1 comment:

Jane said...

Thank you for taking Moose out for the day. He is one of my favorites at the shelter!

Jane, Town and Country Volunteer