Tuesday, August 21, 2007

No tornado...again!

We had a crazy storm last night. It was the first time I've heard the sirens in the 5 years I've been in O! I got all excited watching out the window..listening for the"train."..and NOTHING!! It was like being in Tulsa all over again. The build up ...lightning shoots from the dark sky ... intense rain ...a watch turns to a warning... and just when you think it's about to fire that funnel right through your roof ...it clears! It drives me crazy! I love storms, especially tornados. They fascinate me. They are so powerfully unpredictable. They can pick you up and set you down miles away unharmed... or sweep up a cow and burst all it's internal organs leaving the body untouched. CRAZY! Wouldn't it be great if all the wonders of the world were broken down in bite-size pieces, like skittles? Taste the rainbow~ Ster

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