Friday, August 31, 2007


Almost done moving :)...FINALLY! I absolutely adore being in a new place, a change of scenery ...even in the same city somehow renews the excitement in simple things ... the morning walk to the shower, or the light thru the windows as the sun slowly rises like a bagel stuck in my toaster..I love it! It's the process of packing and carrying that sucks!
Last night Shawn and I brought another load to the house and because there was no place to park, we went through the alley. There was grafitti all over the line of garages! Then this drunk little guy, who could barely make it up our retaining wall , yells with one arm in the air " I Juan!!" and wants a couple dollars to help us unload! So, I'm thinking this will be a very interesting neighborhood...stay tuned :)- Everyone needs a little joybug~ Ster

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