Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Kharma found a home!

Kharma is a young adult, and a beautiful blue staffordshire terrier who came from a family who did not deserve such a devoted pet. She was brought into Council Bluffs IA illegally- a city that bans her breed type- Her family broke the law by trying to hide her from the authorities. When they were caught, HHA was contacted by her "caregivers" in the attempt to care for her while her family found a home outside the BSL city limits. We were told that a home would be ready and waiting for Kharma and if we could just care for her during that time. How very sad that such individuals are able to take advantage of rescue groups and sweet animals like Kharma. Kharma is in need of a stable home- with TRUE and lasting love to offer. Altho she adores children and her people, unfortunately her previous caregivers did a poor job in keeping her socialized with new dogs and even put her in harms way with an aggressive dog- so poor Kharma tends to be defensive when around new animals. HHA feels Kharma would be happiest with a family or forever friend that just wants her as their one and only..Pictures do not do Kharma justice! You MUST see Kharma in person as she is breathtaking and ever so sweet!

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