Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Kharma found a home!

Kharma is a young adult, and a beautiful blue staffordshire terrier who came from a family who did not deserve such a devoted pet. She was brought into Council Bluffs IA illegally- a city that bans her breed type- Her family broke the law by trying to hide her from the authorities. When they were caught, HHA was contacted by her "caregivers" in the attempt to care for her while her family found a home outside the BSL city limits. We were told that a home would be ready and waiting for Kharma and if we could just care for her during that time. How very sad that such individuals are able to take advantage of rescue groups and sweet animals like Kharma. Kharma is in need of a stable home- with TRUE and lasting love to offer. Altho she adores children and her people, unfortunately her previous caregivers did a poor job in keeping her socialized with new dogs and even put her in harms way with an aggressive dog- so poor Kharma tends to be defensive when around new animals. HHA feels Kharma would be happiest with a family or forever friend that just wants her as their one and only..Pictures do not do Kharma justice! You MUST see Kharma in person as she is breathtaking and ever so sweet!

My girl....Tasha has a new family!

HI! I am named Tasha! I was rescued after having a litter of pups- my owners no longer wantedme :(... I was taken to a KS kill shelter. Inspite of that, I LOVE them and all people! My duties as momma is over and now I can take on a new role as your very best friend!. I've been spayed, so it's only a matter of time before I get my girlish figure back too ;-)" A perfect home for me would be one with LOTS of people to love me .and a yard with a higher fence ( as I like to explore at times:)-- or a home w/ no fenced yard but with a caregiver who loves to walk me lots on leash, of course. I would not be happy if I was chained up and left alone outside tho.. as I love to be with my people the most! I hope to meet you soon! Luv Tasha

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

LUCKY's been adopted!!

Isn't he gorgeous??
Lucky is a blue brindle boxer/ american bull dog mix . He's still a puppy at only 10
mos old. Lucky is neutered and microchipped. And he needs a home or foster home by 11/21. Can you help?
Please contact Helping Hand for Animals....www.hh4a.com

Monday, November 12, 2007

Moose ROCKS!...and he's been adopted!

I had the opportunity to spend all day Saturday with Moose. We went to the Veteran's Day parade in Bellevue, with the intention of walking in it. But, after about an hour of walking around lost, Moose was shivering and I was tired, so we went home. Moose is the biggest cuddler!!! The whole drive to the parade and back home he was on my lap...just loving. :)
He's not used to being in a house (he's kenneled), so I wasn't sure how it was going to turn out. No Worries..he was awesome! He sniffed around a bit, then we napped for a couple hours. He could not have been a better house guest!
If you'd like more info about Moose please visit www.hh4a.com

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Techno-tarded, sorry!

So, I have tried about 20 times to post the video of JT riding her inflatable pony, but it's just not happening. You'll just have to take my word for it...It fun!!

Sunday night I was at the Joslyn Castle for a Post Halloween Party. It was the first time I had ever been in the castle...WOW!!

Chris Shelton played, and rocked, as usual. THANKS MUCH to Megan and Craig from
www.somethingnewproductions.com for helping us party in a freaking castle for halloween!!!