Thursday, March 6, 2008

Sometimes goodbye's the only way....

As you've probably heard by now, I'm moving to Cali next week. I've been here at Q for almost 4 years, and in that time have met some amazing people and built some wonderful friendships. Thank you so much for spending your days and nights with me. Gonna miss you bunches!

Don't just observe life...absorb it!

Love and PB&J
~ Sterling

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

PoKeR FUN....

Last Friday I was at the Horseshoe playing World Series of Poker. It was the first time I'd ever played Texas Hold 'Em, and I rocked it!! I was chip leader at my table and knocked a few people out. I can't belive how much fun it was!

Well, it was..until some shady guy in a cowboy hat and sunglasses sat at my table and stole all my chips :) No Worries...I'll be back!

Have a great week!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008


So, it's official. This soft, furry, fat-head is all mine...well I guess I'll share with Shawn :)
As smart as Brodie is, I'm glad he can't understand everything that's said,cuz with every introduction to friends and comes, "He has such a big ( or fat or huge or gigantic ) head". Lucky for him, he has no idea. I'm just sure it would give him a complex. Love him!

If you'd like the joy and love that comes from a sweet furry friend...
visit or to hook up with a wonderful rescue group right here in Omaha.

:) Stercraze

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy 2008!!

WOW...another year bites the dust! I can definitely tell I'm getting older, cuz every year goes by a little faster! For me, 2007 was a year of construction... planning, tear-down, and rebuild. Through it all I feel I've come out wiser, and that's really all I can hope for. Every year the gut gets bigger, stuff gets wrinklier, and while some mind gets stronger. I actually welcome getting older. Every year, I figure myself out a little more, bringing clarity to the chaos! So, bring it on 2008!!!