Thursday, September 27, 2007


So, I won't be at work tomorrow, cuz I have the joy of getting my wisdom teeth yanked out! I'm such a baby when it comes to the dentist, so I'm totally freaking out@!* Usually I can handle the drilling, the drooling, and the pain...IF I have the :) gas, but my dentist is pregnant, so basically I'm doomed to endure the slicing and needles alone! EEK..I'll fill ya in on Monday. And, if you'd like to see me all loopy..I'll be out Saturday. 1-3 @ Complete Nutrition (156th and Maple) and 4-6 @ My Compulsion Boutique (Village Pointe- 168th and Dodge) ....Have a great weekend! ~ Stercraze

Monday, September 24, 2007

Here we go....

Hey! After shopping a couple weeks ago and having to go up a size for jeans, I've decided to write off the Bell and start Alli. I'm going back to the gym , and with Alli the fear of pooping myself should keep me focused on eating right :)
I think we should start a workout team. If we all worked out together, we could encourage each other..and make it fun. Whatcha think??? ~ Ster

Friday, September 21, 2007

Happy Friday!!'s Friday! Yippee!
See ya tomorrow night on the lazy river :)
Have a great weekend~ Ster

Tuesday, September 18, 2007


One of the best vacations, ever!
It was exactly what I, peace, and family.
Shawn and I went to Tulsa to see my g-ma over the weekend. She lives with my aunt and uncle on an acreage outside the city, where they raise emu :),
have horses, a pond, dogs, and serenity. It was awesome!
We played horseshoes, fished, and hung out with the big crazy birds. Sometimes the best vacations, are the most uneventful.'s good to be back! ~ Stercraze

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


The day has come and gone...for some without a second thought. It was only 6 years ago 3,000 innocent people died in an attack on our soil! How can it be so easily forgotton? I don't expect us to think about it daily as I'm sure the families of those lost do, but for 1 day a year we should take time out of oh so busy lives to remember why we're at war.
I remember right after 9-11-01 everyone was so patriotic..flags were everywhere. We were united as Americans..proud and stong. Yet, it was gone so quickly. We live in the greatest country in the world...with endless opportunity. So for just 24 hours can't we remember how quickly things can change and appreciate what we have?
~ Ster